James P. Dildine - LIS 450 Fall 2003 Updated: December 30, 2003 12:01 PM  
Abstract Intro/Rationale Inquiry Structure Project to Date Contact Info

Guiding Question How Did Numerous Population Relocations in the mid to late 20th century Impact the Marshallese?
A Collection of My Explorations while Researching this Topic.


Different sources give different accounts of the size of the region of the Marshall Islands.

These range from 181,000 square miles, 270,000 square miles, 310,000 square miles. Whatever measurement used details that these islands are spread over a very large area. Which was a major factor for migrations of the Marshallese, as many Marshallese were relocated a great distance from their homelands (native atolls)

I have included interactive images from Dirk Spennemann, who granted permission of use for this project.

Spennemann, D. (2000). The Marshall Islands an Electronic Library & Archive of Primary Sources. Retrieved October 20, 2003, from http://marshall.csu.edu.au/

The Marshall Islands consist of 29 different atolls (most with many islets) and 5 major islands (meaning without lagoons), and are arranged in two island chains running roughly NNW (the Ralik Chain - the "sunset chain") to SSE (the Ratak Chain - "the sunrise chain").

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Bikini 11°30' 165°25' Ujelang 9°50' 160°55' Kili 5°37' 167°07' Majuro 7°03' 171°30' Kwajalein 9°00' 166°05' Enewetak 11°30' 162°20' Rongelap 11°19' 166°50' Rongerik 11°20' 167°27'
James P. Dildine 2003 AbstractIntro/RationaleInquiry Structure Project to DateContact Info

Updated: December 30, 2003 12:01 PM