James P. Dildine - LIS 450 Fall 2003 Updated: December 30, 2003 12:16 PM  
Abstract Intro/Rationale Inquiry Structure Project to Date Contact Info

Guiding Question How Did Numerous Population Relocations in the mid to late 20th century Impact the Marshallese?
A Collection of My Explorations while Researching this Topic.

Marshall Islands K-W-h-L (why include this?)

K (What we Know)

Nuclear Tests at Bikini Atoll
1225 Islets
Low Elevation 7ft Average 7 M High
1983 -> $$$$$$ from US
150 Million
British Capt Marshall (named for)
Late 80's Youth to Youth in Health
<25 Youth Listen to Each Other
Ditributed over 700 Sq. Mile Areas
Income largely from Grant Aid
Coconut Production
HS Systems started in 1990s only 2 high schools roughly 500 miles apart
Adult literacy at 93-94%
Land Reform Movement - Developers want land for golf courses etc...
Progression of ownership - German colony, Japan invade, US Possession, 15 - 64 make up 64 % of pop...less than 2.7 percent of pop.
Fairly ignorant within the US.
Universal Schooling thru grade 8.

W (What we Want to Know) 

How homogenous is the population?
Languages? Ethnicity? What is there to do there? Why is the literacy rate so high?Who (or WHO) is measuring literacy and how?
Do they have American schools? Can the impact of the Air Force improve literacy?
Do they teach hands on science?
Computer Literacy?
How have the relocations impacted society and culture? (MY TOPIC CHOICE)
How has popultation shifts impacted the cities?
Global warming impact??
El Nino Impact?
How do they think the islands formed?
Health status? Health issues? Health economics?
Plant based, Animal/Food source? Different rom pre 1940s?
Importing it all? Fishing?
Day of Two Suns? 50 Years? What is the perception?
What is the legal association with the US? Lots of Marshallese in the US? Population (60,000) scattered. Approx. 70 sq miles (Wash DC)? Population Density?

Some topic threads:

Biology and Environment
Health - Measurement of Resources
Y2Y in Health
Health/Medicinal Plants
Hist & Politics
Pop Dynamics/Tec&Education
Meta Level - Chip World Culture
See the people/support/assitance
Education/Econ/Relation with US
Civil Eng

h (How we are Going to Learn what we Want to Know)

Pen Pals
Local Contacts
Class MSG to send
Their interests may direct us in our inquiry
Have them introduce themselves to us
Govt Agencies
Campus Organization and Relation
Center for East Asian Pacific Studies
Six degrees of separation
CIA and Air Force sites
Chanute contacts
Coral - geology and physical stuff
Lecture Series
Tourist agency?
Friend/Family Contacts
eBay - What is for sale?
Return to the list of 12 items
Inquiry Units
Food based units -- Recipes
Marshall Islands CIL?

L (What we learned - or rather what I learned)

This entire site represents what I have learned

Why I have included this in my project:

This list is included to illustrate the many visions we as a class had for this project, in addition to the process that we embarked upon. My project has been modified and reformatted as I progressed on my journey but the original intent of what I wanted to know has bascially remained since the inception of this project.


Project Resources Project Resources
James P. Dildine 2003 AbstractIntro/RationaleInquiry Structure Project to DateContact Info

Updated: December 30, 2003 12:16 PM