James P. Dildine - LIS 450 Fall 2003 Updated: December 30, 2003 12:08 PM  
Abstract Intro/Rationale Inquiry Structure Project to Date Contact Info

Guiding Question How Did Numerous Population Relocations in the mid to late 20th century Impact the Marshallese?
A Collection of My Explorations while Researching this Topic.

Introduction and Rationale

My interest in these topics about the Marshall Islands was conceived from the KWL discussion that we had as a class after deciding that the Marshall Islands would make for an interesting inquiry topic (or set of topics).

As a Mathematics educator I was interested in the locations of the islands and atolls with respect to the US as well as one another.

I was also interested in the history of relocations which prompted a significant study of timelines detailing the relocations which then in turn made me want to create an all inclusive and semi-annotated timeline that presents these relocations.

I then wanted to learn about how the people felt and present quotes along these lines.

This site is constructed to house my attempts at compiling this information in a logical manner so that I and others can retrieve it.

Project Resources Project Resources
James P. Dildine 2003 AbstractIntro/RationaleInquiry Structure Project to DateContact Info
Updated: December 30, 2003 12:08 PM