
We have received a great deal of support for our M2T2 materials over the years. Here are a few of the quotes we have collected from educators who have used M2T2 in the classroom.

"Thanks!! We're sold on the value of M2T2, and I enjoy teaching math again. It's great how the students seem to breeze through the textbook chapter after we've done M2T2."

Elementary School Teacher

See the whole email ->

"I attended your M2T2 workshop in 2001 and have used many of its activities in workshops with middle school teachers. The quality of the materials and the workshop was exceptional."

Elementary School Teacher

"The materials are excellent and I am excited about using them to help improve my class presentations."

Algebra I Teacher

"The M2T2 materials will prove to be very helpful to me in the classroom. With so many math teachers in my building taking the same class, we will be able to 'pool' our manipulatives together."

6th Grade Teacher

"I already have [begun using these materials in the classroom], and it was the 'spark' that I needed, and 'my kids' are starting to catch on to looking for patterns in numbers, and [are developing] a corresponding fascination with what numbers 'mean', and what a person can do w/math, not just 'drill-n-kill' of repeating algorithms."

6-8 Special Ed. Teacher

"Thank you for the excellent math materials and informational hands-on materials."

6th Grade Special Ed. Teacher

"Much of the material was practical and useful in the classroom ... The hands on activites were wonderful!"

8th Grade Math Teacher

"I have already used three activities: The M&M's, Sears Tower, and have started the poster. The students are very responsive."

Principal/8th Grade Teacher

"I think the M2T2 materials are very useful and thought provoking. They are designed to bring meaning into the classroom and allow the children to see the connection between the class and the outside world."

4-8th Math Teacher for At-Risk Students