M2T2 Testimonial - Sue Volk
The following unsolicited email was received from Sue Volk, elementary teacher at Newton Central Elementary School on March 31, 2003. She wrote to let us know about the success she experienced in augmenting her students' education with M2T2 materials.
We just sent home third quarter grades, and I wanted to share some information with you.
The first 2 quarters of this school year, I followed our math textbook, lesson by lesson.
After Christmas, we did 2 units from the M2T2, late elementary. (I teach 2 sections of 6th grade math.) We did the M2T2 unit, followed by the corresponding unit in our textbook. The following results, I believe, are amazing!
In class 6L, EVERY students raised their quarter math grade. In fact, quarter grades raised an average of 9.72 points, with 8 out of 20 students raising their quarter average 10 points or more. The greatest increase was 19.4 points in their quarter average, from a 70% to a 90%. The lowest increase was 2.4 points, from a quarter average of 95% to 98%.
In class 6V, there are 4 learning disability students, along with 6 additional students that receive Title I math assistance. The gains were even more impressive with these students! The average gain in quarter grades was 13 points! Eleven out of 20 students raised their quarter averages 10 points or more, with one student raising her quarter grade 28 points from the previous quarter! Her mother told her that she'd give her $500 if she had it, because she was so proud of her.
It also needs to be mentioned that the chapters that we covered in both the M2T2 units and our textbook were Algebra and Geometry, and that we skipped from chapter 5 to chapter 16 for the algebra unit, and then went to chapter 9 for the geometry unit. Even with the lower abilities, and more difficult chapters, the students made impressive gains!!! Every student but one in this section raised their quarter grade, and the one who didn't was absent for several days during the M2T2 instruction.
Thanks!! We're sold on the value of M2T2, and I enjoy teaching math again. It's great how the students seem to breeze through the textbook chapter after we've done M2T2.
I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know about any other programs you have.
Sue Volk