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MiSTEam Comics - Extra Stuff
Extra Stuff
More Hijinks
If you look around the MSTE site, you're bound to see the MiSTeam Characters popping up from time to time
and engaging in various hijinks; some of them useful, and some of them just silly. Here some examples of places
you can find them:
Mutant Powers
24-hour Comic Challenge Results
Matt took the 24-hour Comic Challenge, in which he tried to create 24 strips or 100 panels in just 24 hours.
It went from 1:00PM on Wednesday, 12/14/2005 through 1:00PM on Thursday, 12/13/2005. The following is the
progress bar that tracked his progress during the challenge. You'll notice that he exceeded the requirements
on both counts!
24-Hour Comic Challenge Progress: 101% by Number of Panels (101/100)
24-Hour Comic Challenge Progress: 113% by Number of Strips (27/24)