Teaching Experience
Urbana School District 116, Urbana, Illinois, 1971-2005
- Teacher of mathematics, grades 7-12, Brookens Junior High School, Urbana Junior High School, Urbana High School, Urbana Middle School, 1971 - 2005
- Teacher of physical science, English, United States history, geography, Spanish, 1971 – 1990
- Mathematics Curriculum Coordinator, Urbana Middle School, 1997-2004
- President, Vice-president, negotiator, Urbana Education Association
- Representative to National Education Association Representative Assembly
- Representative to Education, Outreach and Training Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (EOT-PACI) planning conference at Rice University
- Developed and implemented transition program for incoming seventh grade junior high students.
- Developed and implemented academic support program for at-risk ninth grade students
- Cooperating teacher for UIUC student teachers and observers
- Member of several committees charged with aligning mathematics curriculum with national and state standards
- Coordinated Urbana plan for complying with requests from the Office of Civil Rights
- Wrote proposal for City of Urbana TIF funding for technology at Urbana Schools.
- Presenter Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM)
- Provided professional development for Rantoul Regional Office of Education, Administrators’ Academy, North Cook Instructional Service Center, Novice Teacher Project
- Collaborated with UIUC College of Education faculty, Jack Easley, Russ Zwoyer, Dick Dennis, Ken Travers in various projects designed to improve pre-service education, provide for individual differences within the regular classroom, and to incorporate technology into the mathematics classroom
Parkland College, Champaign, Illinois, 1979 - 2005
- Instructor of mathematics