Our ability to function in everyday life is
increased by our ability to reason quantitatively.
The intuitive feeling for handling quantitative
information is what we often refer to as
number sense. There are four aspects of
number sense which form the foundation of this
module and promote the ability to reason
quantitatively. These four aspects are:
Quantitiesbeing able to deal
comfortably with different types of quantities and
extremely large or small numbers that are
unfamiliar to us or uncomfortable to imagine;
Representationsunderstanding the
different quantities often require different labels
and are best represented by different types of
graphs, tables, or expressions;
Relationships between
quantitiesbeing able to make comparisons,
forming ratios and use proportional reasoning;
Patternsrecognizing patterns in
numbers and how these patterns can be displayed
leads to recognition of trends in numerical data
and the ability to reason inductively.
Within the field of mathematics, these four
aspects also indicate that increased number sense
is a necessary foundation for understanding in
other content areas and processes of mathematics,
i.e., number sense promotes a deeper understanding
of algebra, geometry, probability/statistics,
problem-solving, communication, etc.