Multiplication: |
32 x 10 = 320 32 x 100 = 3200 32 x 0.1 = 3.2 32 x 0.01 = 0.32 32 x 0.001 = 0.032 |
32 divided by 10 = 32/10 = 32 x 0.1 = 3.2 |
32 / 10 = 3.2 32 / 100 = 0.32 32 / 1000 = 0.032 |
Conversion factors: The number (The factor) you need to multiply or divide by to CONVERT from one unit of measurement to another.
Example: Converting from centimeter to meter requires dividing by 100 and converting meter to centimeters requires multiplying by 100. Hence 100 is the conversion factor in these two scenarios.
Another way to look at it: There are 100 centimeters for every meter
100 cm per 1 m or
Conversion factors can be other numbers than ten. The metric system is based on powers of ten (a decimal system) but conversion factors are knows to help convert from other systems of measurement. Like 2.54 centimters is equal to 1 inch (2.54 cm = 1 inch). Therefore 2.54 is the conversion factor for centimeters to inches.
There are 2.54 centimeters in every inch or 2.54 cm per 1 inch
3 inches = ?? centimeters.
3inches x 2.54cm = 7.62 cm
1000 cubic centimeters = 1 liter (1.3 liters = _________ cubic centimeters)
1 mile = 1.609 kilometers (3 miles = _____________ kilometers)
centimeters |
inches |
0.3937 |
feet |
meters |
0.3048 |
gallons (U.S.) |
liters |
3.7853 |
grams |
pounds |
0.002205 |
inches |
millimeters |
25.4 |
inches |
centimeters |
2.54 |
kilometers |
miles |
0.6214 |
liters |
gallons (U.S.) |
0.2642 |
liters |
pints (liquid) |
2.1134 |
liters |
quarts (liquid) |
1.0567 |
meters |
feet |
3.2808 |
meters |
miles |
0.0006214 |
meters |
yards |
1.0936 |
miles |
kilometers |
1.6093 |
miles |
feet |
5280 |
millimeters |
inches |
0.0394 |
pounds |
ounces |
16 |
pints (liquid) |
liters |
0.4732 |
ounces |
pounds |
0.0625 |
quarts (liquid) |
liters |
0.9463 |
yards |
meters |
0.9144 |
yards |
miles |
0.0005682 |