Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology Grants
Developing future teachers who know how to use modern learning technologies to improve student learning is a major challenge facing our nation's teacher preparation system. PT3 grants support innovative program improvements to prepare technology-proficient educators for 21st century schools.

EdGrid is both the name for the infrastructure technologies and the name for the consortium of the NCSA and its partner organizations called the EOT-PACI (Education, Outreach, and Training - Partnerships for Advanced Computational Infrastructure). The EOT-PACI leverages the Alliance PACI program, a ten-year NSF-funded program that couples over 50 organizations to create an advanced computational infrastructure for the 21st Century. The Associate Superintendent for Educational Technology at the Illinois State Board of Education and the State Board of Education act as Co-PI and partner in the PT3 project. Furthermore, the EdGrid Project has developed successful partnerships with schools and school districts in Illinois, leading colleges of education, researchers, teacher educators, innovative teachers, and scientists committed to improving education.