A Little Bit About Me

My name is Lisa Denise Murphy. I have two master's degrees, one in electrical engineering and one in mathematics, both from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Between finishing the engineering degree and starting the math degree, I spent five years teaching mathematics, physics, and engineering at Richland Community College. (Many thanks, BTW, to RCC for providing some of the equipment that was used in this study.)
While a teaching assistant in the Department of Mathematics at UIUC, I won a graduate teaching award. I am now working on a doctorate in mathematics education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education at UIUC. I am ABD, which means that all I have left to do before I get my doctorate is my dissertation, which will be based on a study of the use of computer graphing technology to teach graph interpretation and the derivative to first-semester calculus students at UIUC.
I plan to make a career of finding and testing more effective methods of teaching mathematics, starting with calculus. At some point, I may focus on teaching mathematics to students who intend to become engineers, but right now I am considering problems related to teaching calculus to all students.

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This page last revised January 19, 2000.