Work Address:
This is where we'll send you snail-mail
Office Phone:
Home Address:
Home Phone:
Email Address:
Your personal URL or your schools/company's
Social Security Number:
We need this for issuing stipend checks and
reimbursement for mileage. If you would prefer to give us
the number over the phone, call me at 333-6604
Which conferences can you attend?
March 31 - April 2
(Champaign-Urbana at Levis Faculty Center. Accommodations
at Illini Union)
April 28 - April 30
(suburban Chicago, at TCD. Accommodations at Ramada Inn
on North Ave.)
May 19 - May 21
(suburban Chicago, at TCD. Accommodations at Ramada Inn
on North Ave.)
June 16 - June 18
(Champaign-Urbana at Levis Faculty Center) -
accommodations at University Inn
Your attendance is expected at all the conferences. So
we expect you to check all the boxes at the left :)
However, since we have assembled the team on such
short notice, some conflicts are inevitable. We are
already aware of a couple. If you cannot check all the
boxes at left, we'll be in touch with you to discuss the
conferences you must miss.
Do you intend to bring children or significant others
to conference weekends?
I intend to bring my daughter and wife along for the
Chicago meetings. I would like the conferences to be
family-friendly. At the same time we will be working very
hard, especially on the Saturdays. And, of course, M2T2,
ISBE, and the University of Illinois cannot assume any
responsibility for costs or care of non-team members.
That being said, if we know who will be bringing kids
and significant others, perhaps we can arrange childcare
informally and even to have family along for the Friday
night dinner/presentation part of the conferences.
I will send an email to everyone on the Monday before
the first meeting with details on what we have been able
to arrange. That's Monday, March 27, 2000
Do you have any special dietary considerations that we
should know about when planning meals (e.g., vegetarian,
lactose-intolerant, etc.)
Do you currently have Internet access at home?
Yes No
Who is your Internet Service Provider?
For example, the University of Illinois, America
Online, Juno are all service provides who give people
access to the Internet.
How often do you check your email?
Every day? Twice a day? Once a week? What's email?
What email program do you use?
e.g., Eudora, Microsoft Outlook, etc.
When are the best times and location to reach you?
We may have need to call you about particular aspects
of the project and we would like this to be as convenient
for you as possible. Please give us some times when you
think you will be available to receive a phone call from
me or Mary Christie, who is handling the logistics of the
conferences. If you check your email several times a day,
then we can contact you that way.
Do you search the Web for educational materials?
How would you describe your work or occupation?
Describe your familiarity with the NCTM Curriculum and
Evaluation Standards.
Describe your familiarity with the Illinois Learning
Is there a fast connection to the Internet in your
classroom or place of work ?
By "fast" we mean faster than a phoneline/modem
Is there a phone line in your classroom or place of
Yes No
Who is in charge of the network at your school or
place of work?
It may help us to know who to contact in case you want
to pilot materials that use the Internet or if you have
problems accessing Web pages.
Will you send us a resume?
Yes No
This will help us in describing the team to interested
parties. If you answer yes, you may bring a copy to the
first meeting, email us with it at ,
or just tell us were we can find it if it is on the
If you have comments questions or further
regarding this form, please enter them in the textbox