Illinois Mathematics Teacher Educators
Illinois Mathematics Teacher Educators (IMTE) general purpose is to promote the improvement of mathematics teacher education in Illinois in all its aspects.
- 2023 Meeting Slides (pdf, pptx)
- 2022 Meeting Slides (pdf, pptx)
- 2022 Meeting Minutes (pdf, docx)
- 2021 Meeting Slides (pdf, Google Slides)
- 2021 Meeting Minutes (pdf)
- 2020 Meeting Slides (pdf, Google Slides)
- 2020 Meeting Minutes (pdf, docx)
- 2019 Meeting Slides (pdf, pptx)
- 2019 Meeting Minutes (pdf, docx)
- 2018 Meeting Slides (pdf, pptx)
- 2018 Meeting Minutes (pdf, docx)
- 2017 Meeting Minutes (pdf, docx)
- 2016 Meeting Slides (pdf, pptx)
- 2016 Meeting Minutes (pdf, docx)
- 2015 Meeting Slides (pdf, pptx)
- 2015 Meeting Minutes (pdf, docx)
- 2014 Meeting Slides (pdf, pptx)
- 2014 Meeting Minutes (pdf, docx)
- 2013 Meeting Slides (pdf, pptx)
- 2013 Meeting Minutes (pdf, docx)
- 2012 Meeting Minutes (pdf, docx)
Join the IMTE listserv
This list produces about one message each day, usually a news item
on mathematics education, but is also the forum for announcements and
discussions among IMTE members.
Current IMTE Officers (2021-2022)
- President: Scott Zinzer
- Past President: Todd Oberg
- Secretary: Cathy Kaduk
- Treasurer: Barbara O'Donnell
- 4-year University/College Representatives: Mary McMahon and Mary Goetting
- 2-year College Representative: Catherine Moushon
- Professional Development Consultant: Kelly Wamser Remijan
- ISBE/IBHE/Government Representative: Denice Love
- K-12 Representative: Tracy Zalud